New Texas Longhorns Australia Life Membership Inductee

The TLA would like to congratulate Mr Rodney Cooper on receiving Life Membership at the Annual Presentation Night held in conjunction with the 2024 National Show.

Mr Cooper has bee a dedicated member of Texas Longhorns Australia since 2010. He was TLA President from 2017 to 2023 and is the current TLA Vice President. His support for the National Show and Sale has been unwavering. Mr Cooper was the recipient of the TLBAA Boots On The Ground Award in 2023 and is a previous nominee of the Jack Phillips Awards.

Congratulations Rodney on being honored with TLA Life Membership!


Mr Rodney Cooper being presented with Life Membership, by Life Member Mr Geoff Dawson.

Cooper Cattle Co. Scone Horse Festival

Cooper Cattle Co. attended the Scone horse festival Parade 11th May 2024 it was one that they will never forget and even got featured on NBN news which is pretty exciting. They also attended Jack Johnson Memorial Gala Day on 13th May which is an Agricultural education day for local school kids and the rest of the community. Texas Longhorns were always the biggest hit of the day.

2022 National Show Results

Texas Longhorns Australia National Show 2022
Held at White Park, Scone September 24th 2022
Judged By Mr James Forsyth, Chilcotts Poll Herefords, Willow Tree NSW

Congratulations to all the competitors at the 2022 National Texas Longhorns Australia Show. It was simply incredible to see the arena full of beautiful, quality, texas longhorns.  Thank You to the knowledgeable Mr James Forsyth, for his judging expertise and informative cattle critiques. Thank You to the talented Katrina Partridge Photography for so many incredible images from our day. Finally, Thank You to the tireless committee and generous sponsors – without you all this event would simply not be possible!

BosAg Rural Purebred or Full Blood Heifer up to 12 Months
1st N-Bar Maybe It Maybeline
2nd SKinny Lizard Ye Ha
3rd N-Bar Shameless
4th D7 Spur Mia


Peppertree Rural Services Mixed Grade Heifer up to 12 Months
1st N-Bar Persuit


Weldclass Purebred or Full Blood Heifer- 12-24 Months
1st N-Bar String Of Pearls
2nd N-Bar Royal Champagne
3rd Koorooa Angel
4th JPC Dolly P


Platinum FM Mixed Grade Heifer-12-24 Months
1st N-Bar Garnet Lady


Skinny Lizard Longhorns Purebred or Full Blood Cow- Over 24 Months
1st Kooroora Snow Queen
2nd N-Bar Envy
3rd Kooroora Space Cat
4th Kooroora Halloween


JR Tinham Longhorns Purebred or Full Blood Steer Under 24 Months
1st Skinny Lizard Mulligan
2nd N-Bar Limitless
3rd Kooroora Trick Or Treat


N-Bar Texas Longhorns Purebred or Full Blood Steer over 24 Months
1st Kooroora T-Bone
2nd Kooroora Cowboy


Double JK Longhorns Pure bred or Full Blood Bull under 12 Months
1st N-Bar Unflawed
2nd Skinny Lizard Digger


Callide Valley Tyres Pure bred or Full Blood Bull 12-24 Months
1st N-Bar Rodeo Patch


Timbalite Longhorns CHAMPION STEER Kooroora T-Bone
 Timbalite Longhorns RESERVE CHAMPION STEER Skinny Lizard Mulligan

Coolamon Longhorns CHAMPION FEMALE Kooroora Snow Queen
Coolamon Longhorns  RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE N-Bar Envy

Coolamon Longhorns CHAMPION BULL  N-Bar Unflawed
Coolamon Longhorns RESERVE CHAMPION BULL Skinny Lizard Digger

Bluff River Longhorns SUPREME EXHIBIT N-Bar Unflawed


Texas Longhorn Tours Breeders Group
1st N-Bar Longhorns
2nd Skinny Lizard Longhorns
3rd Kooroora Longhorns

Camelock Longhorns Sire/Dam Progeny
1st N-Bar Longhorns, Sired by N-Bar Iron Awe
2nd Skinny Lizard Longhorns, Sired by Southern Cross Renegade
3rd N-Bar Longhorns, Sired By D7 Spur Aristocrat
4th Kooroora Longhorns, Out of Dam Yarrow Creek Alien

Garlands By Emily BEST PRESENTED EXHIBIT Kooroora Snow Queen, Rodney Cooper
Texas Longhorns Australia  SHOWMANSHIP AWARD John Lamb, N-Bar Longhorns
Old Coach Contracting MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR N-Bar Longhorns, Dan & Megan Lamb & Family

Limitless Show Supplies Junior Parader

Pee Wee – 10 Years & Under

1st Johannah Lamb 

2nd Jace Lamb 

Intermediate – 11 to 14 Years

1st John Lamb 

2nd Jack Lamb 

3rd Lloyd Newbury 

Senior – 15 to 21 Years

1st Adelaide Cooper

2nd Jim Parkinson


 Trails West Longhorns CHAMPION JUNIOR PARADER John Lamb

Limitless Show Supplies Open Parader – 21 Years & Over
1st Megan Lamb
2nd Rodney Cooper
3rd David Cooper

Double D Arena Junior Judging
1st John Lamb
2nd Lloyd Newbury
3rd Johannah Lamb

Dalmore Unled Steer Kooroora Chuck
Dalmore Unled Female N-Bar Queen Of Hearts
Dalmore  Unled Bull  Double JK Chevy

“Line Up” Now available in Australia!

The Dickinson Cattle Co Bull LINE UP comes from deep in the DCC herd of strong black, long, trim and thick cattle. Horns on 6-2-22 are 83.25″ T2T. The most challenging achievement in the TL industry is a ton plus bull with over 90″ T2T. Time Line, his sire is the forth ton+90″ bull in history. Line up will be one of the widest horned true black TL bulls (black cattle grow horn slower).

To check genetic history and ancestral data go to this link

By clicking on this link you will have a full pedigree. By clicking on back, up to 17 generations of planned matings can be evaluated for the serious pedigree student. A double click with any photo will give an enlarged high res projection.

Semen is reasonably priced at $110 AUD for conventional and $330 AUD for female sexed semen.
For inventory in Australia, contact:
Rocky Repro, Kimberly Dove, 89 O’Brien Rd, Alton Downs QLD 4702, Australia.
Phone 07 4934 1964 or follow this link:- LINE UP – Rocky Repro

Every 2 or 3 years Dickinson Cattle Co collects the most promising bull for export that is believed to compliment the other sires that have been exported. Line Up will work well on Spokesman, Cut’n Dried and Tuxedo daughters. With this genetic plan the herds in many countries will be a parallel quality to the DCC USA herd.

Exporting of semen and embryos is not new to DCC. It has been a regular part of the business since 1990 when live cattle were shipped by plane to Poland. Semen, cattle or embryos have been shipped to 34 countries outside the USA.

For a list of other semen sires 6 bulls are qualified for export.

For export embryos

8th Annual Texas Longhorns Australia National Show 2021

2021 National Show Results

After setting a date twice for the 2021 National Show to be held at Scone the committee had to concede defeat due to all the covid19 pandemic restrictions and once again take the show to an online format.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to our wonderful Judge Nicole Hartwig, we know that we did not set you an easy task, but you rose to the challenge and helped us pull off the 8th annual National Texas Longhorn Show. Things can only get bigger and better from here and we look forward to being all back together for the show in 2022.

We also need to give a massive thank you to the 2021 Show Sponsors, your support is truly appreciated. Thank you to the show coordinators, Rodney & Adelaide Cooper, your unwavering dedication is admirable. It would be remiss of me to forget to thank the show competitors! With out you there is no show! Thank you to each and every one of you for nominating and for taking the time to prepare your cattle, it is magnificent to see the Texas Longhorn breed showcased so elegantly. You are all winners for being brave enough to have a go!

Click Here to see a full copy of the 2021 Texas Longhorns Australia National Show Results!

Congratulations to the 2021 Supreme Exhibit N-Bar Outlaw, Owned & Shown By N-Bar Texas Longhorns

2021 Show & Sale


Please see the show & sale page fore more information.

A New Australian Milestone Reached!

It is an exciting time for Texas Longhorns in Australia with the first Australian born cow to reach the exciting milestone of ‘Club 90’.

HBL Milly bred by Horseshoe B Longhorns, based at Charters Towers Queensland now officially measures 90 & ½” from horn tip to tip. Born in November 2011, 9 year old HBL Milly is a dual registered daughter of Drag Iron.

Being an American breed, Texas Longhorn measurements are taken and recorded in inches, but in metric terms at just shy of 2.3m HBL Milly cements her position as the widest horned cow in Australia to date.

Congratulations to Michael & Lynda Bethel of Horseshoe B Texas Longhorns on this outstanding achievement and Australian first!

Texas Longhorns Australia announce 2020 competition winners at AGM and presentation night

The 2020 Texas Longhorn Australia Inc Show Winners were presented with their awards at the AGM & Presentation Night held in Teneterfield NSW in January 2021 after COVID19 Postposned the annual event in Scone in 2020.

Champion Cow was won by Kooroora Halloween
Champion Bull was won by N-Bar Outlaw

Supreme Animal of the 2020 SHow was Kooroora Halloween

The full results can be seen HERE in this fantastic article published by The Land.




AGM & Presentation Night

With Covid19 Restrictions Easing the TLA have now been able to set a date for our AGM, Annual Dinner & Presentation Night.

All members are invited to attend. All committee positions will be declared vacant and nominations for the 2021 committee will be taken. If you have been thinking about taking on a role, please come along to our AGM.

WHEN: Saturday, 16th January 2021
WHERE: Tenterfield Bowls Club, Tenterfield NSW
WHAT: AGM, followed by a General Meeting, Dinner & Awards Presentation
WHO: All members are invited, children welcome and encouraged – they are the future of the TLA!

Please contact TLA President Rodney Cooper on 0458 252 343 to RSVP or for more information.

TLA Caps now for sale!

TLA caps now for sale

Contact Rodney Cooper on 0458 252 343 to place an order

They are $25 each (this includes postage) and money can be paid by direct deposit to the TLA account:

Account Name: TLA INC
BSB: 082 628
Acc no: 82 371 6931

Please use your name as the reference