2016 Annual Sale

The 7th Annual Texas Longhorns Australia Sale was held on Sunday 12 June 2016.

A total of 45 head were sold for $60,000.


Coolamon Impressive Bubba (Registered Fullblood females) sold by John & Jan Bastardi from Coolamon Grazing Co was the top priced female at $4,000. She was purchased by Greg & Yvonne Culell from Grevonne Texas Longhorns.

Southern Cross Anzac (Registered Fullblood bull) sold by Don Constable of Southern Cross Longhorns sold for $3,600. He was purchased by Max & Blondie Byles.

Speargrass Jewel (Purebred) sold by Nicole & Keith Burns from Speargrass Longhorns for the top price of $3,100. She was purchased by David Ovic.

Trophy Steers sold to a top of $1,650.

Younger Steers sold to a top of $700

Special auction items sold at the end of the Sale included:-

Michael & Lynda Bethel donated a Condamine bell and it sold for $300 to local Gunnedah resident Chris Burgess.

Marilyn Terbutt donated another quilt and it sold for $200 to Jan Bastardi.