Texas Longhorns Australia held their inaugural sale on Sunday 13 June 2010
The sale comprised a total of 55 head. Gross proceeds for the sale was $47,000.
Southern Cross Millie (Registered Fullblood female) sold by Greg & Pam Press from Whirlwind Longhorns to a top of $3,200. Millie was bred by Don Constable of Southern Cross Longhorns
Coolamon Tempters Rebel (Registered Fullblood bull) sold by John & Jan Bastardi from Coolamon Grazing Co the a top of $3,150.
Skinny Lizard Lightning (Trophy steer) sold by Geoff Dawson from Skinny Lizard Longhorns to the top of $1,150
Coolamon Kimberley (Purebred female) sold by John & Jan Bastardi from Coolamon Grazing Co to the top of $2,900.
Understudy 745 (Graded Longhorn bull) sold by Ben & Kristy Newbury from Yarrow Creek Texas Longhorns for the top price of $1,800
Younger Steers sold to a top of $575